Is writing a new post that difficult?? .. "it is" - says my left brain.. "Nay its not", averred my right brain... Well all depends on that very moment..That very thought of yours, how you capitalize is important … sometimes, it’s so trenchant that  I don’t even take five sweet minutes to literate my thoughts, but sometimes it goes a mammoth way to create something out of my immaculate mindset !!!

This emotional turmoil we get sometimes actually results from the discrepancy between our two supreme governing bodies. Both of them perceive things in different ways & they don’t get what the other half is all about. The left brain tends to dismiss anything significant coming into consciousness from its "flaky" cranial twin..

I couldn’t handle this creepy jiggling anymore, being a subtle mind, I followed my right brain & initiated the post, while the twin asserted itself as the post.

Well the war will go on..As it has,from years unprecedented. So it’s for us to decide who we allow the upper hand...the rational or the intuitive !!


The West Wind said...

Hmm woes of the brain.. one side constanty keeps fighting the other side.. they are like men and women in a way.. cant live with or without each other!! Great post.. unique idea for a post!!

sonu said... should have witnessed my head rumbling,while nurturing this post !!!

The West Wind said...

Aaah .. certainly.. wud have been fun :P

sonu said...

never mind.. i wish you hell lotta jiggling aHEAD !!@@!! :P

Anonymous said... was ur pen scribbling...nvr mind gud going.